Teacher accounts are able to share assignments with their students. Follow the instructions below to create an assignment for students in a Study.com classroom.
Some teachers may be part of a beta program where the flow to send an assignment is a little different. Check out this article if your lesson page looks different from what you see below.
- Navigate to the lesson that you want to assign to your students.
- Click "Share lesson with Study.com Classroom".
- Choose a classroom to share the lesson with.
- Select an assignment date (when students will be able to begin working) and a due date (when students must have completed the assignment).
- Type in some assignment instructions for your students and click "Assign".
- Your lesson has been posted to your Study.com classroom and will automatically be shared with all students in that classroom. You can add more students to your classroom by clicking either the "Invite by Email" or "Share link" button.
Note: If you do not have any classrooms or students yet, we will prompt you to add students before you can send assignments.