We understand that our users may need to cancel their subscription at any time. That's why we have made it easy for you to cancel and resubscribe whenever you choose. Our cancellation process is streamlined and hassle-free, so you can make changes to your account without any difficulty. To cancel your subscription, simply follow these steps:
Access our cancellation page by clicking on this link: http://study.com/member/manage-membership.html
Log in to your Study.com account using the email address and password associated with your membership.
Click on the cancellation link located at the bottom of the page.
Select the reason for canceling and click on "Cancel Subscription". Please be aware that to complete the cancellation process, you must take this final step.
Once you have canceled your subscription, you will have access to our website for the remainder of your billing cycle. If you choose to resubscribe at any time, simply log in to your account and update your subscription status. You will retain all of your unique course progress and viewing history.